Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thing I hate most...

So, I can deal with the discomfort, strange body changes, super sense of smell, lack of balance, etc. However, the one thing I absolutely CANNOT stand is all the puking. I am not fond of hurling. Never have been, never will be. That is all...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Biggest (irrational) fear... I said, irrational...

Baby's First Pictures

So, these are just pictures from the camera on my phone of the ultrasound shots but it will just have to do... for now. :)

In the "Baby Hammock" - April 30th, 2012
May 4th, 2012

Baby's Foot - June 15th, 2012

June 15th, 2012

 I am hoping I get to see him again and get more pictures really, really soon!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me...

Belly Bumps

So far, here is the belly bump progression to-date....

May 25th, 2012

June 10th, 2012

July 15th, 2012

It's a...


June 15th I got the wonderful news that mini me is a he.

A Bit of (Vulgar) Humour

Okay... here are some inappropriate, vulgar and humorous cartoons about sex, pregnancy and children. Right up my humor alley. :)


So, if you're reading this you prolly already know all the gritty details or, at least, enough of them to get by. ;)  However, in case you don't, here is a brief synopsis of "our" story...

On March 5th, 2012 I got the best surprise of my life.... Yes, this one:

Four at home tests and a doctors visit later, its confirmed... There is a mini me on the way!

So, at this point I am super excited and very much happy about this. In the beginning, however, I can't say I wasn't scared and confused, because I most certainly was. This was very much not planned and while it was something that I have wanted for a long time I wasn't pushing for it to happen quite like this...

I won't get into all the crazy details about the father, but lets just say that at this point he has decided to not be involved. The only thing I will say is that while I have made my choice I respect him enough to understand his decision and am moving forward without his involvement at the present time. While it saddens me for my child's future, I know that we will be okay and that I have many wonderful men in my life who can provide a strong, positive male role model in the future.

Now, here we are. 24 weeks down, 16 weeks to go.... So many changes already made and many more to come. I very much look forward to the future and all the trials and excitement it is going to hold. :)